Image search results - "on cyprus" |

Acts 13:4 Saul and Barnabas Sail to Cyprus46 views

Acts 13:5 Saul and Barnabas Arrive at Salamis53 views

Acts 13:5 Saul and Barnabas Arrive at Salamis with John50 views

Acts 13:5 Saul, Barnabas, John Preach in the Synagogues55 views

Acts 13:5 Saul, Barnabas, John Preach in the Synagogues53 views

Acts 13:5 Saul, Barnabas, John Preach in the Synagogues59 views

Acts 13:6 They Leave Salamis to Travel the Island of Cyprus61 views

Acts 13:6 They Arrive in Paphos68 views

Acts 13:7 Paul and Barnabas are Opposed by Jewish Sorcerer Named Elymas51 views

Acts 13:9 Paul Tells Elymas He is a Child of the Devil51 views

Acts 13:11 Elymas is Blinded50 views